EPBA- Eradicating Biblical Poverty Now

Eradicating Biblical Poverty Now is one of God's covenants with YWAM globally. As a missionary movement we are committed to bring the Word of God to every person on the planet, in their mother tongue, in a way that can be understood (written, audio, sign language, Braille etc...) and accompanied by a community of believers. As YWAM Cartagena we have embraced this initiative of God since 2016.


Provide a Bible to every home in Bolivar, collaborating with local churches, and planting new churches or communities of believers in communities where there are none.


Every family in Bolivar and Colombia has free access to a complete Bible (Old and New Testament), in the format they can understand, and in their native language, and participation in a community of Believers where they can be nurtured and discipled. This includes the country's more than 100 indigenous ethnic groups and their languages.

What do we do?

  • We work for a Bible in every home in the department of Bolivar.
  • Love for Colombia. We work for a Bible in every home in Colombia.
  • Special projects in small towns and villages
  • Distribution of Scripture portions and discipleship to Colombian indigenous communities

How can you be part of it?

  • Commitment to pray for the eradication of Biblical poverty now.
  • Host a Bible poverty eradication training in your church now and start a Bible distribution and discipleship project in your area.
  • Volunteer for one of our weekly evangelistic outreaches in the city of Cartagena.


We receive donations for the Bibles or the cost of delivery of each Bible (Approximate cost per Bible $7,000 Pesos).