4k Pioneer School of Ministry

  • 9Faculty of Christian ministries.
YWAM is called to be visionary, continually receiving, nurturing and imparting a fresh vision of God. We support the undertaking of new ministries and methods, always willing to be radical in order to be relevant to every generation, people and sphere of society. We believe that the apostolic call of YWAM requires the integration of spiritual leadership, freedom in the Spirit and interpersonal relationships, based on the Word of the Lord. -Jucum International Value 4K is a global mapping program, whose vision is to reach every person on earth. 4K or 4,000 has created a framework called Omega Zones and YWAM is present in over 800 of these zones, identifying physical and spiritual needs and responding to these with ongoing ministries of evangelism, mercy and training. (to learn more about this program you can visit http://www.4kworldmap.com/). The MP4K will allow you to know the potential and the anointing that God has given YWAM for the creation of new projects. This school is a response to the need to train pioneer leaders in places where no one has gone before to do what has never been done before, promoting new ministries.

Theoretical Time

This training has a duration of three months, the practical time is optional. During this time you will enjoy community life in our mission base, receive classes from pioneer teachers and experienced YWAM leaders who have served and continue to pioneer within our mission.

Practical Time

Optional hands-on time.

Theoretical Time

This training has a duration of three months, the practical time is optional. During this time you will enjoy community life in our mission base, receive classes from pioneer teachers and experienced YWAM leaders who have served and continue to pioneer within our mission.

Practical Time

Optional hands-on time.


YWAM principles, values and covenants.

History of Jucum

Bible Study: Nehemiah


Project design

Eradicating biblical poverty

Spiritual warfare


Spheres of society

Biblical worldview


To whom it is addressed

This is a second level school, it is only for those who have done and satisfactorily completed both their theoretical and practical time in the Discipleship Training School (DTS).