Christian Biblical Worldview School

  • 9Faculty of Humanities and International Studies
The School of Biblical Christian Worldview aims to train you to learn to think biblically about every area of life, so that you can renew your mind through the word of God and see the world and every sphere of society from a correct perspective. You will be trained to analyze the different worldviews that influence the world and re-interpret society based on biblical thought, understanding the fundamentals of the Christian faith: what we believe and why we believe it. You will learn how to be effective in giving a good defense of your faith and receive tools to effectively communicate the truth to people and influence society, bringing healing and transformation to the world.

Theoretical Time

You will discover in the Bible that the plan of redemption is not only for the human being but for all of creation and all spheres of society. You will be able to recognize the different types of worldviews and understand the consequences they have on society. You will be able to analyze the world through a biblical understanding, understand God's original plan and begin to reform your life, your environment and your nation. You will be able to listen to God and better understand the calling He has given you, so you can be relevant in impacting individuals, the church and the spheres of society in Cartagena, Colombia and the nations.

Practical Time

During the school and practical time you will be able to co-create and participate in a project that puts into practice in a simple and reforming way the restoration of creation in a community and that helps to generate transformation in people and the environment.

Theoretical Time

You will discover in the Bible that the plan of redemption is not only for the human being but for all of creation and all spheres of society. You will be able to recognize the different types of worldviews and understand the consequences they have on society. You will be able to analyze the world through a biblical understanding, understand God's original plan and begin to reform your life, your environment and your nation. You will be able to listen to God and better understand the calling He has given you, so you can be relevant in impacting individuals, the church and the spheres of society in Cartagena, Colombia and the nations.

Practical Time

During the school and practical time you will be able to co-create and participate in a project that puts into practice in a simple and reforming way the restoration of creation in a community and that helps to generate transformation in people and the environment.


Introduction to the cosmovision


Creation, fall, redemption

Creation vs. evolution

History of Western and Latin American Civilization

Perspective of different worldviews

Christian thought, logic and reason

Spheres and domains

Culture, poverty and development

Economy and business

Food safety

The Bible, politics and government.

Community development


To whom it is addressed

This is a second level school, it is only for those who have done and satisfactorily completed both their theoretical and practical time in the Discipleship Training School (DTS).