School of communication fundamentals

  • 9Faculty of Christian ministries.
This program of the University of the Nations has the objective of providing students with biblical principles of communication, in addition to training them in writing skills, public speaking and interpersonal relations. The OBE is part of the core curriculum of the University of the Nations.

Theoretical Time

Discovering God's perspective for communication. Learn study and research techniques. Develop strategies that promote good interpersonal communication. Produce high-level written content Deliver messages effectively to different audiences.

Practical Time

Theoretical Time

Discovering God's perspective for communication. Learn study and research techniques. Develop strategies that promote good interpersonal communication. Produce high-level written content Deliver messages effectively to different audiences.

Practical Time


Fundamentals of communication

Public speaking


Creative Writing

Cross-cultural communication

Interpersonal communication

Intrapersonal communication

Communication and the word of God

Practical applications

Cosmovision bible


To whom it is addressed

This is a second level school, it is for those who have done and satisfactorily completed both their theoretical and practical time of the Discipleship Training School (DTS). For people who have not done a DTS, they can do a seminar of up to six weeks of school.